Mythmaker SRD


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Physical Impairments

Physical conditions are status conditions that are inflicted by a physical source and target a creature's Strength, Finesse, Endurance, or Senses.


A creature that is staggered walks unsteadily or has lost balance. A fully staggered creature can be considered prone or unable to maintain their composure.








Mental Impairments

Mental conditions are status conditions that are inflicted by an emotive source and target a creature's Memory, Insight, or Resolve.






Natural Conditions

Natural conditions are conditions that can only be caused by natural pressures such as Fire and Cold.






An unconscious creature cannot perform Actions or provide any form of active resistance apart from what their Armor or any lingering supernatural effects provide.

If the creature is sleeping, then they must be roused awake by another creature or sufficiently loud noise.

Death’s Door

When a creature’s Health rating is reduced to zero, they are on Death's Door. Any further damage received from pressure subtracts from the creature's vigor rather than their Health. If a creature receives healing or recovers Health, then any further damage is subtracted from their Health first before carrying over into their vigor

During an Engagement, if a creature is on Death’s Door by the time the World Turns, then the creature must make an Endurance or a Resolve Check. If the Check results in a failure, then they fall unconscious during the following turn.

In addition, the first time a character is brought to Death's Door, they experience a Trauma. When this occurs, the player must add one new Trouble or Scar to their character's sheet.

Troubles force the character to make Resolve Checks whenever they are in a situation where their Trouble is invoked or receive hindrance towards future actions. Scars, on the other hand, cause one hindrance towards any actions that invoke a specific physical aspect.

Trauma can be recovered during Downtime using the Recover from Trauma Action. A character can only receive one Trauma per Engagement.


All characters experience Trauma in one form or another during an adventure. The life of a hero is often perilous and some scars linger longer than anticipated. When a character has accrued six troubles, they become too troubled to continue a life of adventure and must either spend Downtime Actions recovering or retire.


Three things must happen in order for a creature to die:

Once all three conditions have been fulfilled by the time the World Turns during an Engagement, then the creature effectively dies.


Maladies are physical phenomena like poisons and diseases that inflict ailments upon their victims. Maladies have five properties: Forms of Contact, Strength, Test Interval, Side Effects, and Cures.

Forms of Contact

The Forms of Contact comprise how the malady is acquired. There are four common kinds of contact for maladies: Touch, Ingestion, Inhalation, and Health. It is possible for a malady to have multiple Application Methods.

Touch: Poisons that use this method need to be touched in order to activate.

Ingested: Ingested poisons need to be consumed in order to deal their effects to the victim.

Inhalation: Inhaled poisons take the form of gaseous clouds or powders that can be inhaled. Unless a creature is wearing a suitable face covering, they are subject to the effects of the poison as long as they are within the same square as the cloud.

Health: Poisons with this application method can only be effective when they are a part of an action that inflicts wounds on a creature.


When a creature has been afflicted with a Malady, the affliction doesn't take effect until the end of the current Turn. If the Test Interval of a Malady happens at a more immediate stage of play, then the scene immediately shifts to that stage.

At the end of the Turn, the afflicted creature must make an Endurance** Test** against the indicated Strength of the Malady. Upon success, the creature is fine and the Strength of the Malady is reduced by 1. When the Strength of the Malady has been reduced to zero, the Malady is overcome.

On a failure, the afflicted character suffers the Side Effects of the Malady equal to the margin of failure and gains any symptoms associated with it.

This continues until the character has either overcome the Strength of the Malady through repeated Tests, the character receives a Cure to the current Malady, or until the character dies.

If a character takes multiple doses of a Malady, then the Strength of the Malady is increased per dose. If a character takes two doses of Nightshade, for example, the Strength of the Malady would become 2 instead of 1 for both doses.